Tuesday, 15 May 2007

Summary of lecture 2 //week 10 oral skills

It is so important to know first aid. Whether someone you know or not were to suffer a medical emergency or have an accident at home or at workplace, do you know how to help them? Your first action is not DIAL 111, but STOPS and THINKS that you are safety now. Pay attention to fallings, electrical cord, and moving vehicles and use barriers when touch blood clothes or other secretion. Because you should keep your safe before you rescue or help someone else. If you see someone lying on the ground, you just touch his shoulder and talk in soft tone to communicate. If the casualty breathes after airway open, place in the recovery position. If the patient still doesn't breathe, begin CPR (Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation) immediately. Then, you can DAIL 111. According to patient's age, we have to use different CPR related to adults (over 14 years old), children (2~13 years old), and infants (under 2). As a result, you may help someone else in any place, so learning first aid is a quite importance in your life.

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