Wednesday, 2 May 2007

Oral Skill 2// Three pronunciation features

There are six front page stories on the radio - two from the NZ Herald, two from the Dominion Post, one from the Press, and one from the Otago Daily Times.

I was listening to the “Monday National Radio’s News Headlines”
Six stories mentioned from National Radio’s News Headlines. I am interested in the first headline from New Zealand Herald, and its transcription is “The new drug trial offering hope to women with the history of miscarriages”. I identified pronunciation features as follow:

1) Consonant to vowel linking: with/ð//ð/ the/∂/

2) Extra linking sounds: /r/eg.thehistory/ri/ /∂/of miscarriages

3) Weak forms of prepositions, articles, modal verbs, auxiliary verbs:

The/∂/ new drug trail offering hope to/∂/ women with the/∂/ history /∂/of miscarriages.

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