Monday, 23 April 2007

serious motorway accident

This news is about an accident which happened on an Auckland motoway on 11 April at 2:40pm. The Waitemata police district serious crash unit said the family had been driving their white Toyota corona on the Northwestern Motorway when they crashed with a bridge barrier near the Lincoln Rd off-ramp. An 8-year-old boy was seriously injured and his parents were in severe shock. That boy had surgery on 12 April for life-threatening head injuries and his father is stable condition in the Auckland hospital. The police is appealing for a witness to serious accident.

Most of the verb forms used in the past simple form, present simple form and present continuous form. There is one present perfect sentence used in the article, suck as "he might have witnessed the crash ", to mean that possibly happened. There are four present continuous are used in the article, just like"An 8-year-old boy is fighting for his life","the family were approaching the city ","Police are seeking the man" and "Waitemata police are also seeking witnesses ", to mean something is happening over a period of time.And past simple, like"said","had","told", is used in the article to mean something happened in the past.

Wednesday, 4 April 2007

Summary of Lecture: Student Finance/Funding

Students Funding Centre is a student service in Unitec. It can help students with anything to do with money, and can provide some advice to how to save money.

Firstly, students can make a budget sheet and list all income and expenses. Students can adjust the budget accordingly. Secondly, how student can increase their income? Students can apply for study awards, scholarships or student allowance, they can even apply for loan to pay tuition fees and cover living costs. Also students can search for a part time job at Student Job Search office or Career and Employment Centre. Last, how students can reduce their expenses. Students can use student ID card to get discount on public transport fares, movies tickets, or can apply for student banking packages and reduce unnecessary cost such as transaction fee.

Therefore, the funding service shows students how to manage the money. If any further information is needed, please connect them at building 48.